Tuesday, November 18, 2014

7 negative behaviors!

Parents often try to help their children in any way they can, but sometimes they don’t know how to enhance leadership in their child. There are some negative behaviors that parents usually have towards this situation. There are seven behaviors that prevent your children from becoming leaders according to Dr. Tim Elmore:

1. When parents don’t allow children to experience risk (We risk too little). Even though I’m not a parent, I can imagine what it takes to keep a child from accidentally injuring themselves, and I can tell that when my parents gave me space it helped me become independent and resourceful.  Having a constant fear about your child’s safety will eventually have an impact on their mental health. Unfortunately, over-protecting our young people has had an adverse effect on them. “Children of risk-averse parents have lower test scores and are slightly less likely to attend college than offspring of parents with more tolerant attitudes toward risk,” says a team led by Sarah Brown of the University of Sheffield in the UK.

2. Rescuing too fast. This generation of young people has not developed some life skills because their parents are often taking care of problems for them.  Rescuing and over-indulging our children is one of the most insidious forms of child abuse, it sorely misses the point of leadership—to equip our young people to do it without help. Now days Today, if a child is outside at all, their mother is usually there doing the conflict resolution for the kid. If they always get the help they need without even asking, children will never learn to solve their problem by themselves.

3. Show enthusiasm easily. “If it doesn’t come easy, I don’t want to do it”, says a child when his/her parents rave too easily.  Eventually, this kid will observe that “mom” is the only one who thinks he’s/she’s amazing, no one else seems to say it. They begin to doubt the objectivity of their own mother; it feels good in the moment, but it’s not connected to reality. Children learn to cheat, to exaggerate and lie and to avoid difficult reality because they have not been conditioned to face problems, mom will always come to the front line.

4. To reward every achievement. A mistake made by many parents, especially those with more than one child. Parents shouldn’t always reward their children with gifts because the kid will not experience intrinsic motivation or unconditional love. Children must be exposed with doses of hardship, delay, challenges and inconvenience to build the strength to stand in them.
5. Do not share past mistakes. It is good to tell those things you didn’t do well when you were their age, so you can show how you faced the problem and teach them the lesson you learned.

6. Confusing intelligence, talent and influence maturely. Parents usually confuse intelligence or other skills with maturity. We can see this problem when excellent students have performed their job perfectly and then, they don’t know how to face an audience.  Intelligence refers to the influences of learning and experience and maturity, in the other hand, is more like the ability to respond to the environment in an appropriate manner.

7. Do not practice what you preach. Parents have the responsibility to model what type of life they want their children to live. Therefore, if we want to raise leaders, we should try to always use honest words.