Friday, April 17, 2015

Teachers: Keep making a difference!

Teachers should be looking forward to make a real difference in our students' lives... leave a lasting impact on them even if they are the one causing us the most trouble. 

Growth takes time... but we plant the seed in our students’ young hearts and minds so it will grow and bring fruits (although sometimes we might not see it). There are students who actually care, students who are grateful; learning and growing even if they never let us know.
Those long hours and the shed tears we have to deal with... our biggest frustrations and our deepest hurts, and still... we put so much thought and effort into doing our best for our students and being the best teacher we can for their sake. We, teachers, should emphasize the kids’ needs above our own.
In the midst of the busyness, the frustration, the chaos, we should take a moment and remember the real reason why we are teaching; that satisfaction of awake the joy in creative expression and knowledge, the inspiration we become for the students.  We work to influence our students and we live for that moment in which they will tell us “because of you, I didn’t give up”.
It doesn’t matter what’s happening around us.
Teachers, don’t give up, don’t quit, and keep making a difference.
A teacher takes a hand, opens a mind and touches a heart